According to the developers of Telegram, secret chats in the messenger are the most secure and secure way to exchange messages between users. But to understand if this is true, let's understand what secret chats are and how exactly they work.
It should be noted right away that you can create secret chats only in the mobile application Telegram, the desktop version does not have this option. The only way to open such a dialog on a PC is to install a smartphone OS emulator and then install the official messenger client on it.
In the mobile version of Telegram, you can immediately open secret chats without installing any additional extensions or applications. To do so:
The first feature that all users notice after getting acquainted with secret chats is the deletion of messages and dialog participants. By default, Telegram only deletes messages from the user who has selected this action, and offers to delete them from the person you're talking to. In a secret chat, there is only one option to delete messages - from two users at once.
But this is not the only feature of secret chats. In such dialogs, users also have access:
According to the rules of the messenger, users can create an unlimited number of secret conversations, and the participants in each such chat should be no more than two people.
Even experienced users sometimes have problems when creating encrypted conversations. People who are not particularly versed in the capabilities of the messenger will always have a lot of questions about the use of secret chats. Let's look at the most common ones:
If we talk about hacking encrypted chats, it is worth noting that this is quite a complicated process that requires a certain sequence of actions. Using many of the usual methods, it is almost impossible to read the secret chats of other Telegram users. For example, if you log in to the target user's account from your PC, you will only see his regular conversations, as well as the channels and groups he is subscribed to. Secret conversations will remain inaccessible to you in this case. But there are ways to read even encrypted conversations. We will describe them in detail below.
As we wrote above, it is only possible to intercept, view and listen to a secret chat in Telegram by special means. And one of these is Tgtracker. The program gets access to the target subscriber's mobile traffic, intercepts the account login data, and transfers the desired account to the application emulator on a remote server. That is, Telegram itself considers such login to the profile as typical actions of the user, carried out from his main device (smartphone or tablet, from which the person all accesses the messenger).
As we discussed above, there is at least one working way to read your secret Telegram chat messages. And if you yourself don't need access to anyone else's encrypted data, it doesn't guarantee that someone else won't want to read your hidden messages.
We recommend Telegram users not to rely on the claimed privacy of the messenger developer, but to try to include as little personal information as possible in their messages. This will help preserve privacy even if intruders gain full access to your account. We also advise you not to send personal account passwords, bank card numbers, and other confidential information via messengers. After all, even deleted messages are stored on the application's servers for some time, which allows you to access them if your account is compromised.
Remember that protecting personal data is a personal issue for everyone. And shifting the responsibility for preserving important information to the developers of instant messengers is often unsafe and very inconsiderate. After all, if information is leaked, it will be you, not the programmers who created the instant messenger application, who will have to deal with the consequences.
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